Re: So...the customers wont be cheated this time?
The fact that they did continual fixings on the MP part of an MP game? And as far as I know, most people who have dominions are playing mp games even if its just friends nad family with no need for public scoreboards. You sem to feel you are the voice of the silent majority but I dont know if anyone is agreing with that.
I thought that the AI thing in dom2 was answered long ago. Its linear so there isnt much fix that can be done without a massive rewrite. And I asked continually for players to develop a better linear layout for the ai that didnt amount to teaching it how to play just one nation better.
MY request was for a map command that would allow map scenarios to add castles that were freebie giveaways. A #patrol or a #defence 21 type of command. Im still hoping for that
This game is NOT suitable for students, interns, apprentices, or anyone else who is expected to pass tests on a regular basis. Do not think about strategies while operating heavy machinery. Before beginning this game make arrangements for someone to check on you daily. If you find that your game has continued for more than 36 hours straight then you should consult a physician immediately (Do NOT show him the game!)