Dom 3 Single-player - I don\'t get it..
Okay, first off let me just say that Dom 2 was an awe-inspiring game, and I will be purchasing Dom 3.
But I really, really don't see why more is not done for single-player customers. The hard work has been done - the game is made - surely stringing together some modded maps for a campaign would not be a ridiculous amount of effort?
Alternatively, allow for players to create their own campaign, or extend/provide hints for the AI. Something so that longevity of the single-player game can be improved. Dom 3 does not need to be a niche game - it is a rich, interesting game which could be enjoyed by a lot of players if they could play lesiurely games at their level.
But by making single-player an afterthought, many inferior games will still be more attractive to those players who can't be bothered with multiplayer. That's my take anyway, for what it's worth - because for me, single-player in Dom 2 was synonymous with multiplayer strat testing.