NTJedi said:
OG_Gleep said:
Does it make sense that every single banelord would have the exact same training and be identical to every single other one? Sure...because its a fictional magical realm.
No... how do you justify everything being exactly identical just because it's a fictional magical realm?? Show me the information or history which backs up your theory.
Don't you think it's a little ridiculous to demand information and
history to back up arguments about
Just because something is fictional does not mean all traits of a similar item have to be perfectly identical. Each of those 100 enchanted spears are forged from ore or steal or a combination of metals, in a magical realm some of the metals used have a chance of being magical allowing a greater variation compared with normal reality. The identical setup of forged items is done within Dominions to simplify the progamming code not because it matches realistic fantasy realms.
It simplifies programming, reduces micromanagement, and in general, is a good choice. However, it could be argued that every magical item is actually duplication of a platonic, ideal "perfect sword" or "perfect shield" or "undead-killing sword". Remember, the artifacts can be re-forged! If magic is used to duplicate an existing idea to the smallest detail, the statistics are always exactly the same.