MP Game, CB Mod, Tripled Income
I'm feeling an urge to start up another multiplayer game with non-standard conditions. I am personally of the opinion that one of the major reasons that national troops aren't used is that their gold cost is too high to justify their use compared to mages. Thus, to experiment with this, I'm hoping to set up a game where the income of each nation is closer to what was obtainable through tax and patrol micromanagement in Dom:PPP. Thus, I will be reducing the population required to produce gold to a third of its current value. This should make national troops and the more expensive castles required to produce them a much better investment.
We will be using the latest version of the Conceptual Balance mod, and there are no house rules. We will be playing on a map with no more than 15 provinces per player. Turns will be on a 48 hour quickhost.
The game conditions will be:
Map: 10-15 provinces per player.
Magic Sites: 50%
Independents: 6
Renaming on
Standard Research
No house rules
48 hr quickhost
The winning condition will be to control a number of victory points equal to the number of players. Each capital will count as a victory point. There will be a number of other victory points spread around the map. The amount of these victory points that are spread around the map will be one less than the total number of players.
I will be playing Mictlan.
The players are:
Graeme: Mictlan
Animal: Machaka
Cainehill: Jotunheim
Shovah: Pangaea
Reverend Zombie: Marignon
Tyrant: Vanheim
Folket: R'Yleh
Izzyz: Arco
Shmonk: Ulm
Oversway: C'Tis, port 11111