Re: A Military Book List
Another book suggestion:
Simialar to Mustangs suggestions of Threat: Soviet Capabilities in the Mind 90 is "Future Wars" by Trevor Dupuy except it looks at the next places in the world which are most likely to erupt into conflict and plays out plausible scenarios of how the war may go.
The Arming of Europe and the Making of the First World War by David G. Herrmann. If you have an interest in WWI this is a great look at the arms race and events that preceeded the war. It deals with organization, mobilization, strategy and the available weaponry. I had always heard that nations passed on Hiriam Maxums machinegun because they didnt see a purpose for it. Thats not entirely true. The military establishment could not see the machinegun being used in an attack, which they all beleived a nation had to stay on the offensive. They dismissed the slaughter of the Russo-Japanese war as an aberration due to the poor leadership and training. They believed a European army would carry the day by overrunning machineguns.