National Units and Summoned Units
Great news it appears some new national spells now exist... making each nation more unique during the game. I'm pulling this topic which evolved from another topic which Illwinter can use as a quick reference. A new thought which springs to mind is if national troops could be valuable in ways other than just the battlefield thus gamers would see them for the majority of the game. I will update this original post at least once a week.
Most summoned units have multiple advantages over national troops. Some of these include:
Never flee in battle
Never needs food
No gold upkeep
More powerful
Ways national troops can be improved:
1) Allow most nations to have their national troops increase population for whatever province they reside. suggested by NTJedi
2) Allow national troops to be upgraded making their gold/food upkeep more acceptable. suggested by: DominionsFAN
3) Allow some method for national troops to be upgraded with gems. suggested by NTJedi
4) Allow national troops to provide increased morale, defense and attack for province defense... seems logical their presence within the province would have this effect. Perhaps for this bonus to work the national troops would have to be equal to the province defense, thus 10 PD needs 10 national troops for the bonus. suggested by NTJedi
5) Providing national troops with increased statistics by receiving faster experience upgrades and the ability to receive higher experience thus 10 stars instead of 5 stars. suggested by Sandman
6) Providing more summoned troops with a gem, gold and/or food upkeep making national troops more feasible. suggested by VedalkenBear and Oversway
7) Add additional national troops which can be summoned from spells specific for each nation. suggested by: DominionsFAN
8) Remove gold/food upkeep and raise morale for SOME national units which helps balance the summoned and national units. suggested by VedalkenBear and Oversway
9) Provide improved/unique bonuses for national troops such as 25% resistances or other traits. suggested by Nerfix
10) Allow new research path which improves statistics of national troops. suggested by Cainehill
11) Allow new buildings such as an Armory, Forge, etc. where national troops can be made stronger. suggested by Cainehill
12) New national spells (like global) which are casted to improve existing national troops. suggested by Cainehill
There can be only one.