OT: Hacking Silly Civvy Mappy Sizes
Recently, I got the urge to play civilization again. I don't have 3 or 4, but I do have 2, 2:MGE and 2:ToT.
Anyway, the silly little game will only let me make maps up to size 10,000 squares. Enter a little program called XVI...
...The value wasn't hard to find and now I can make maps (In the MGE map editor, anyway), of up to size 32,768...Or maybe 32,767. Now I'm wondering if anyone here might have an idea on how I could tweak things to tweak that tiny little half-a-WORD into, I dunno, a DWORD would be fun...
(Imprecise language used because some people get all upset at the most innocent things, just because they have illegal uses.)
If successfull, I wouldn't distribute any .exe's. That would be illegal. I will simply tell you how I did it, and if you own the program, you can do the stuff yourself.
Anyway, off to the datamines...
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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