Q: Does anyone use \'Silo\' Batteries when building?
I have been playing around with my ship designs and feel that perhaps using Many guns rather than a few of largest mount available may be preferable in battle, and I want to ask what experiences other players have noticed.
What I am talking about is setting up a series of weapons in order to fire (ie: LmountPPB followed by Hmounted PPB followed by MmountPPB then repeating the series with a LmountPPB etc 5 or six times) so that when multiple targets are encountered the weapons can engage and destroy several (more) targets (allowing more 'shots' by NOT using all MassiveMounts).
Does this make sense or am I redoing someone elses mistakes?
---"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and power down your weapons. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated."