n00b Modder Needs Help
Greetings all.
I'm thinking the one thing this already excellent game needs to excel even further is better diplomacy rules. The treaties available thus far do not cover a wide variety of situations or go too far. Essentially what I'm thinking is this...
MUTUAL DEFENSE TREATY - The military alliance grants benefits to an AI that I do not want, i.e. it can still trespass and it gets bonus off of my point pools.
I just want a treaty that will--depending on the honor of the race in question--give a serious modifier for the treaty race to declare war against any race that attacks a treaty counterpart. Even full-blown alliances aren't much use.
NON-PROLIFERATION TREATY - Again, dependent upon the honor of the signatories, selected tech trees are prohibited from being researched. With human players we have agreed to not develop any weapon that will destroy planets or stars. Of course a race may still do so and do so secretly but as with all treaty violators the bad reputation will effect racial attitudes.
CONVENTIONS of CIVILIZED WARFARE - Signatories agree to abstain from "glassing," attacking colony ships & population transports.
GALACTIC ARBITRATION COUNCIL - Disputes over systems or treaty violations can be brought to the GAC where votes are cast and judgments rendered. The winner and losers get attitude bonuses and penalties respectively with the signatory races.
For example: you might drag a race before the GAC citing:
"<empire> <attacked/colonized> <system> under my control!"
The longer I have had uncontested control + # of facilities in the system the greater the % that the GAC will rule in my favor.
I would also like to develop a mod that consumes a smattering mineral resources but gobs of radioactives. Basically, everytime your units resupply they consume radioactives. Let's face it, fuel costs don't really register in this game and I think mineral planets need not be the only really vital resource. And wouldn't it be nice to have your empire besieged by patuli smelling rioters all screaming, "NO BLOOD FOR RADIOACTIVES!!!"