so i notice a few things:
1 - you cant mod the demo. wtf?
2 - i see no stellar manipulation components. hmmm. HMMMM. there do seem to be planet types and graphics for constructed worlds, but....
3 - cultural achievements and empire gained abilities look very cool. i see great mod potential here, including the foundation for making a capital or palace facility.
4 - odd bug. very odd. start in a system with 2 warp points. warp thru the first, find system A. set the ship to "explore" and it goes back to the home system, and then transits the second warppoint into system B. now the quadrant display shows the systems linked in a line, Home -> A -> B, instead of how they actually should be V shaped like A <- Home -> B.
...the green, sticky spawn of the stars
(with apologies to H.P.L.)