Re: SE5 Demo Bug Reports
Sorry for duplicates if any.
[annoyance]Log window is awful. SE4 was much better, though not perfect also. I think log window should have:
* more info in screen (~13 entries in SE4 is much little too);
* ability to go back to last log entry that I left with 'Goto' button from Main System window.
* summary info per empire/per system. E.g. little subwindow in the corner, telling how much my research/resources/ships has in/decreased during the last turn.
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] I select a drone, a planet, a sattelite in the same sector, i order them to warp. I go to the orders and I see these orders for the planet and sats, though they cant move. I even see movement lines, if I arrive at the item via 'GoTo' button.
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] The 'requirements' subwindow in research tech detalization is always empty. Even if I click on already researched technology.
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] 'Manual' button doesn't work in Help window. (In fact DEMO doesn't include any PDF files, though the message says it shouls).
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] AI doesn't progress if I ALT+Tab SEV program, when it is performing its dirty tasks.
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Quadrant window shows warp point connector entries, even if those warp points have not been seen yet.
[feat request] I would like to have checkboxes on the right instead of radio buttons in 'Filter' windows. That would allow players to filter list by few types of info at once. (And would allow less clicking).
[feat request] Windows with only one 'CLose' button should be able to close with right mouse button click.
[feat request] ability to remove star glowing would be nice. (It makes unseeable what is behind it).
[???] Under empire omptions, select vehicle sizes. It shos that I lost a few colonisers, though I colonised planets with them. I don't this means I lost them...