Map making and finding maps
Happy Oktoberfest everyone! A bit late I know but never mind.
Now on to the business at hand. Does anyone remember where to find that magnificent map making tutorial and does anyone have a source for detailed maps of eastern Russia.
Google earth is ok but I can hardly ever scale down stuff from there (G-E) to my maps in the editor because I don't know how to get the coordinates or the distances displayed.
I am looking for ordnance survey type maps and topographical maps of: Yekaterinburg, the Urals, Magnitogorsk, Novo...(the one with Birsk in it) and any other Siberian towns etc of import. Also maps of northern Russia's coastline (same variety) would be really useful too. Maps of the Trans-Siberian railway (routes, places it passes etc) would be capital as well.
Any information on where to find any of these things would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
"Wir Deutschen sollten die Wahrheit auch dann ertragen lernen, wenn sie für uns günstig ist."