Nerfix said:
True, but they are kinda expensive for what they do for, hmmm, 1.25 gems per corpse?
Umbrals are interesting...I wonder if LA Agartha has sneaky commanders. A task force of even 10 Umbrals could be bad new for most provinces defence, especially if led by a stealthy mage.
Sepulchrals look also very good, but I do not know how much they cost. They are propably decent with Water 9 blessing, and Fire 9 will give them a powerful offensive edge. A W9/E4 Olm could be good for Agarta throughout the ages.
The sepulchrals cost 4 deathgems.
Dominionsfan is correct i think, the iron corpses have a niche. But eventually they will get replaced by mechanical men. But since you need enchantment 3 for skelspam anyways, so in times of need in a blitz e.g. you could use them.
But they are very niche imho, the earth could also be invested in items e.g., like dwarfen hammers