MasterChiToes said:
Twice I've gained ships from empires I hadn't met yet... very early in game, so probably random events.
I've only played half of one game, but I got a space station at about turn 20 from a xenophobic race that I had never met, that was about 7 systems away from my nearest system. (In fact, they were my first contact.) They immediately got mad and demanded that I leave their system. I tried to make a non-agresssion treaty, but they were too xenophobic. Then I tried gifting them the station, but they kept refusing it. Even said they were insulted by my gift. (LOL! THEY built the crappy thing!) I tried to have it self-destruct, but apparently that only works if the vessel has a self-destruct device. In the end, the aliens built a ridiculously over-sized attack fleet and destroyed it. (It's the only real battle I've had so far, even though there are 7 empires, it is turn 60, and I appear to own 1/3 of the systems in the galaxy. I finally found another race a few turns ago.)
Anyway, getting back on topic, I THINK that the crew insurrected, either as a random bad event or due to another race's intel against my xenophobe acquaintances. And I THINK that the program is set up so that insurrecting crews automatically join a nearby empire. (nearest? most powerful? random? some combo?) And perhaps there is also a bug that fails to exclude dead empires.
If crews sometimes insurrect as a random bad event, that has some interesting consequences for gameplay. What if this happens to one of your new Deathstar ships? In your home system? Which was fully protected from sneak attack, and thus has poor planetary defenses? Noooooooooooooooo!