SEV: Ship\'s crew. Questions.
In the SEV demo 1.0, I'm playing the Terrans from quick start. After taking over an Abbidon planet I had a badly damaged Frigate. After repairing it at the newly captured planet, I noticed that the "Crew" was still at "0/50". Moved the frigate to one of the Terran planets and it "automatically" refilled the crew with Terrans.
1. Aside from the Ship report window, are there any other "warnings" to indicate that your ship is low or out of crew?
2. What abilities are actually lost by not having a crew? My ship is still gaining experience per turn and adding new crew members does not appear to lower the ship’s experience level.
3. Has anyone checked to see if a rioting planet will "reload" a ships' crew?
4. Is it possible to have mixed crew on a ship?
5. If not, once a ship is designed, can it only have the original race's crew aboard? What about captured ships?
Better is the poor who walks in his integrity than one perverse in his lips and is a fool.
Also, it is not good for a soul to be without knowledge, and he sins who hastens with his feet.