AMF said:
Black_Knyght said:
You wouldn't need to request details or info on this if you every watched the news, especially in states most affected by illegal immigrants.
Ok, I'll ignore the snarkiness, and ask the question again, becuase I really just want to know, and you stated that you did know: can you tell me more about thsese amnesty programs that existed? Really, I just want to know.
I mean, from a personal POV this whole amnesty issue is probably the sole remaining issue that I agree with Bush on, so I am quite curious about it.
If you don't want to tell me, that's fine (weird, but fine).
You also mention:
Every few months theres some article about it. Additionally, these same illegals who readily know how to get Welfare can use the same offices & services to gain citizenship or legal working status, and have been able to for years.
Can you tell me more in this regard as well? It's always been my understanding that the, aside from being born on US soil or being born to US parents, the only way to become a citizen was through the naturalization process, which requires one to have held a green card for many years. To get a green card, you have to either be a permanent resident, or win one in the annual lottery. To get perm resident status, I think you have to be married to a US citizen, or have an employer sponsor...
But if there are amnest programs about, then I would like to know more about them. Also, if I've got the above wrong, please let me know. Really!
AMF : My knowledge comes from first-hand experience here, as I have volunteered more than two hundred hours of my personal time to help the Department of Social Services in California.
I have volunteered my time as a translator, as an intake aid, in welfare and medical screenings, and more. I have been personally involved in some of the programs that have reached out to a huge number of illegal immigrants, and while a portion of them have taken advantage of these programs, an equal if not larger portion has refused them because of the requirements of accountability.
If you
your personal time in this capacity as I have, instead of grand-standing in some unrelated forum. Or, if that's too much effort, just look it up online. That's what most folks like yourself do, anyway.