Re: On the cusp...
It was met by hostility because although it theoretically offered some constructive criticism (I too would love to see something like the GalCiv "Epic Generator" to post turn results on a web site), his overall tone was that of a spoiled brat who demands that the game conform to his needs or else he will (*gasp*) Take His Business Elsewhere.
If looked at point-by-point, none of the requests is unreasonable, nor is his tone massively objectionable if looked at dispassionately. But to people who surf this forum because (a) they love the game, (b) they respect a two-man company that can create something with such depth as a part-time hobby, and (c) already have a great deal of time invested in the product, the tone rankles.
It's like you just bought a new 2006 Mustang Convertible, and you absolutely adore it. Then some stranger comes up to you on the street and says "I was going to get one of those, but the chassis is the same as the 2000, the interior is cheap-looking and the manual shift is tough to get used to. Until Ford fixes these problems, I'm not buying one."
None of the points are false, but by making them, the stranger implies (whether by design or not) that you have made a grave error by buying the product. Moreover, you get the impression that he is boasting that he is far more intelligent than you are because he can see the faults for the deal-breakers that they are while you are blind to them due to some (possibly genetic) defect.