Spoo said:
Hit ` (the ~ key)
Heh. That was probably the only key I managed to miss in my random bashings try to get rid of it. Thanks.
dmm said:
This is being done on purpose. In the original demo, you could get rid of all the default techs, which gave you lots of racial points to spend on other stuff. Then when you started the game, you had all the default techs anyway. So a change was made to prevent this, which results in the behavior you are seeing.
That doesn't make sense. I have spent exactly 3,000 racial points (the ones it gave me) so why won't it let me load this previous Empire?
dizzy said:
When I select my colony ship and hit the resupply at the nearest base button, it will move toward the allied race's planet, but it stops short of moving into that hex so it doesnt resupply.
I didn't think you needed to actually go to the planet itself to resupply, I thought it was provided system wide. That's what the manual says (just looked) and the in-game text under "system modifiers" in the top left.