Ok, so I said I wouldn't report any more bugs. I lied, I find too many of the damnable things. :-/
32) The shield regenertor says it'll regen 52 shields per second (or whatever it is depending on your tech level). But in combat its only doing about 2/s.
33) I added an afterburner to a fighter. Yet its speed kept being reported at 21, 21 (18 quantum engines + 3 bonus).
34) In combat the fighters actual speed is 44. This also happens to drones - they go much faster than they say. I'm guessing this is intended, but they still mis-report their speed.
- Also if the speed is double then that means the fighters speed as actually 22 and thus the afterburner was being taken into account. It just wasn't reported as such on the design screen.
35) I had fighters with lots of different types of weapons, many of which used ordanance. They went chasing after some drones to kill. Thing was that when they reached the drones they stayed back and used their longer-range weapons rather than got close. This was a problem because they eventually ran out of ordanace, yet remained too far away to use their non-ordanace weapons. They were set to "optimal fire range".
36) Why does a minefield that just been cleared get marked? SHouldn't it only mark minefields if there are still mines and remove the mark when they are cleared?
37) FATAL ERROR - Game died.

- Strategic Combat. The enemy came through a warppoint that I had a dreadnaught on the other side of. Two ships that I could see. 8x speed. Game crashed.
I can't give a memory address for the error because SEV wasn't willing to show it (even though I know there was an error dialog behind the grey screen).
38) ANOTHER FATAL ERROR - I was trying to recover fighters (no idea how to, just learning), and clicked "recover unit" on launch-recover - the game died. Again no memory address.
That'll do. I know I won't report any more because I won't play SEV any more until its been heavily patched - those two fatal errors cost me a good hour or so of gaming (I don't use autosave - as saving takes FOREVER in this game).