Those are not the same as the randomly distributed sites. Those sites are pre-placed by the map generator and are visible on the map by little icons:
Decimal Bitmap (3byte?) 2^x Terrain
Number 321098765432109876543210
8192 000000000010000000000000 ="firesite" (vulcano)
16384 000000000100000000000000 ="airsite" (?)
32768 000000001000000000000000 ="watersite" (lake)
65536 000000010000000000000000 ="earthsite" (?)
131072 000000100000000000000000 ="astralsite" (?)
262144 000001000000000000000000 ="deathsite" (house)
524288 000010000000000000000000 ="naturesite" (?)
1048576 000100000000000000000000 ="bloodsite" (????)
2097152 001000000000000000000000 ="priestsite" (menhirs)