The Ultimate \"Bad Beat\" -- Impossible Arena Loss
Can you believe I lost this Arena Semi-finals Match-Up?!?!!
Early Era
Nephil Jarl
Sacred Frost Giant
192 Hps and 20% Regeneration (thats 39 points per turn)
Wight Mage
1 Earth, 3 Death
19 Hps
He started by casting "Raise Skeleton" -- who knew there where corpse's laying about the arena?!?!?
I crushed them, of course...and crushed all the ones he created as he cast it 4 more times.
There was one skeleton left from his last cast and I had yet to see my hit points drop below 192....and then I routed. I can only assume I failed a morale check due to high fatigue (106). Despited being "blessed," I never went beserk -- I guess because the skeletons never hit me?
The morals of the story:
1. There are corpses on the floor of the arena
2. Fatigue bites