Re: Slow AI turns (1.13)
Now I've got a "stable" savegame, i.e. in which the same empires generate a slowdown, namely 'Player 2'. I've tried playing with a few parameters in "settings.txt".
"Number Of Space Combat Turns:=30" does nothing to shorten Player2's turn when brought down to 1 turn.
"Create Log Text Files for Players:=False" and "Create Log Text Files for Players:=False" do not generate any log files when set to true, or I didn't manage to find them.
No other parameter seems to influence the length of Player2's turn, but "Space Combat Maximum Time (Seconds):=300". Player2's turn takes that very number of seconds, give or take a few.
I don't have much experience with combat in SEV. I have yet to fight a battle in this new 1.13 game, and have only seen one in 1.08. Do you think I'll completely break the AI if I limit its combat length to 30 secs? It would at least make the game playable for me before the next patch. How long does an average combat take?
Also, since all else failed, I've finally tried logging into Player2's empire to see what was going on. I remember doing that in SEIV, but to my deepest shame I can't find a way to do it in SEV. Help!