This is a random thought that spawned, originally, from considering that Death and Nature can be used to beat old age, though using opposite methods. What if the magic schools were 'paired off' with each-other's opposite? Fire and Water, Earth and Air, and Nature and Death. Astral and Blood could be opposites, and an argument can be made for it, or they could just be left be. At any rate, what if, when making a pretender, each level you take of one path makes it harder to take the opposite? It wouldn't need to be a large sum, maybe 5 more points per level in an opposing path, which wouldn't hurt Rainbow pretenders too much. I suppose one could also use opposed gems instead of, or together with, Astral Pearls for dispelling purposes. As a bonus, it would be a huge hit to F9/W9.
I'm not saying it's a good idea, more a random thought. Feel free to discuss.