One or three questions I have...
I am enjoying the game immensely. The manual is a very good read, but with a game of this depth, as I play, some questions arise here and there. Here they are, for anyone who is willing to help me learning this game:
- What are the changes for the difficulty levels of each Pretender? Is it just a matter of having more gold/resources or they in fact play better as the difficulty goes up?
- I play Man and follow a strategy of maxing income and resources at the expense of magicka. Besides hindering research are there any other consequences for having drain magicka at -3?
- It buggers me my generals always getting afflictions that most of the time lead to their untimely demise. How can I heal these guys? I seem to recall from the manual some races - not Man, for sure - have a unit specific ability that heals afflictions, but I am going for a more general way of mitigating the problem.
- Is there any way of recruiting a number of other factions troops?
- What are these Horrors I keep hearing about that from time to time appear listed while the turn is being processed?
Thank you for your help.