Bah I Give Up
I've never been so disappointed in a game that shows so much potential .I can see great improvements like combat,love how sensors,supplies,ordnance work and would be great fun to play just nothing works.
I don't know where to start. I dont expect a game bug free theres just no way thats possible. But Se5 is horrid.. Mp doesn't work for me at all. Alt Tabbing Does work at all ie minizming the game. I have it installed on 2 different computers and they each have there own game busting bugs that pop up after awhile..
One computer the graphics get all screwy after awhile and it crashes and the graphics stay all screwy for that save. The other one just crashes randomly during combat. I cant create large galaxies on one computer cause the game refuses to fill out the solar system no warp points or suns after a certain number . The other one gives all the warp points and such but the game is so terribly slow at processing ill be 40 before i finish a game. Which wouldnt be so bad if the increase in processing time was directly tied to an improved Ai.. But sadly its not. The AI is more incompetent than ever.
I have Organic Satellites with one piece of organic Armor on automatically regenerate it appears to be all armor damage every few seconds so i put 3 sats down and i can stop 6,7 frigs.. And this is what 2,3rd patch?.
I've never made it to turn 50..Only thing that i can do and find enjoyable and semi playable is turn all techs on and have ships and such fight each other in the simulator. And even thats a chore if i want decent sized battles cause i still have to manually add ever ship,fighters,sat and such after i painstakenfully click and drag craploads of modules to the ship
And thats just part of the UI problems.
Maybe in 5,6 months and 4,5 patches and the balanced mod even more refined it'll actually be playable..