Modding Questions
I'm curious about a few things I'm trying to do and I'm not even sure if its even possible to do ,perhaps someone else out there can help:
* Is there a way to add cargo to a ship at the start? However I need it to go to a specific ship and not all three of the starting ship types.
* Right along with that, is there a way to set user variables for specific ships, rather than all three of the starting ship types?
* Are devices the only things that can be usable in combat (ie the chromium gong or klakar beacon)? Is there any way to use that for weapons as well?
* With the FIRE command, according to the docs the only flag available for it is autotarget, how could you set it to just fire directly in front of the ship? Actually how do you even get this to work with ANY other weapon besides wp_furies, nothing else i've tried does anything, is there a specific flag in the wp file thats missing?
* is there any way to add a condition for a quest that checks for items installed on the ship? I've tried it before with 'haveitem' but I don't think it works.
I'll add more as I think of them
Graeme out.