Re: OT: Firefly \"Serenity\" Fans
did gl "kill" farscape too? I want to know who's nuts to bash in for that one.....
On the subjetct of the game, ever played the Farscape game? Yeah.... that's the bar... they'll just clone that or Eve or something else and stick firefly characters in there.
Here's something we'll never see though, an original idea, some sort of MMOFPS/SIM. If you've ever played guild wars, the setup of the thing could be similar, but instead of Diablo/Starcraft instanced style RPG combat, have an instanced FPS environment or space mission. Take Guild Wars factions, in this game there's a real time battle between the 2 main factions of the continent(Kurzik VS Luxon), with a border fluctuating in real time depending on who's winning in the aliance battles(fights that occur on maps based on where the border is, the further you go the harder it gets). I'd like to see something similar, you get your firefly 'vers ship, fly from port to port going along with the storyline, forming a "fleet" of ships of other players and in each port you'd get to accept various missions, ranging from simple instanced mining grinds and salvage ops like in the "first", not first as aired first as in pilot, episode, to intense PvP Aliance VS Browncoats action that determines who controlls the area(Aliance "unifies" it, Browncoats "liberate" them). Players can move freely between the areas(gaining access to more areas of the port as they push the border, or capture the area, say starting in seedy undreground or back aley areas or alliance forts, and gaining access to the main areas when your faction gains dominance), but can only accept missions for their "side", and can only access limited items and comodities. I'd like the story to pick up after serenity too, I'd imagine there'd be some sort of second revolution after that(if there's already some sort of expaned univers I'm not aware of IE comics or novels disregard that), and I doubt Mal would stay out of it, you could pick a character and play for either side, mal's or the alliance, or remain independent to the highest dollar like Early or maybe those blue sun guys.
a massively cooperative game with nearly semless FPS, space sim action, a real time pvp map with various missions will never hapen though.....