Re: I am hijacking this thread!
Yeah, any commanders patrolling in a castle province will fight (with their army) alongside the PD.
Also, I never knew there was a "Move & Patrol" command in D2 and I didn't discover it in D3 until about two weeks ago! And that was by accident.
Anyway, "Move & Patrol" works like this. Say you are in one of your provinces next to another of your provinces with a castle. On the other side of your castle province is a large enemy force about to move into the province with your castle. If you just "Move" into your castle province, you'll actually move your forces into the castle and the enemy will attack only your PD next turn. So if you want to defend with your army alongside the PD, give orders to "Move" into the province with the castle, then reselect your commander. Now he'll have the "Move & Patrol" command available. Select that and he'll move with his army into the castle province in a patrolling mode and when the enemy attacks they'll be facing both your commander, his army, and the PD.
By the way, "Move & Patrol" only works when moving a force into one of your castle provinces. Unfortunately you can't use it to move into one of your provinces with no castle and try and catch an enemy scout before they evac.