Re: Engine Movement bonuses
You're welcome.
And now, since I haven't rambled in a long time, I shall ramble about my ideas concerning engines...
When my not-quite-started mod is in production, I plan on making each higher engine less efficient than the previous design. For example, TL1 Ion consumes 4 supplies per move, whereas a TL1 Quantum engine consumes 7. As an incentive to continue research, engines get more efficient at higher TL, where TL10 is 2 supplies/move cheaper than TL1.
I also toned down supply storage to make efficieny more important and to make supply based weapons make more of an impact. In my first test game with this method, it had the exact effect I wanted to have: Early on, low efficieny/low storage engines restrict the maximum size of the empire; Afterwards, the choice between long distances or fast ships differentiates empires. It has a very nice feel to it, in my opinion.