Re: Vote Dom3 as Strategy Game of the year on Game
Very good news, Annette-P.S. Love your icon. I have (vaguely) heard good things about Kohan. The other games mentioned, except for 7 kingdoms, I haven't played or heard about before. Might be worth checking into. I'm not (quite) anti-RTS, I like the aspect of watching to see what happens. I think it would be great if someone would come up with a horror-themed RTS worth playing, something expanding from the concepts of the original Night of the Living Dead for instance. It would have to be legitimately spooky-scary though and ornate to the level of the original Starcraft atleast (it's an old game, so I don't think that's an impossible request. I don't expect balancing to be as perfect as the Starcraft series, though, but if so it'd be a nice bonus). By ornate, I mean details, storyline, fun little features, etc. I think RTS has the potential to lend itself to a more story-driven experience, and to directly/emotionally involve the player more in a game, while at times sacrificing some of the strategy areas in terms of planning and depth of overall strategy.
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!