New player looking for help with verbage
Hey all - game is ordered, coming after holidays, and I'm trying to get some handle on the game before it shows (which may be futile). I've found a couple beginner help posts here* and they seem to have gotten some excellent answers, but I sometimes have trouble with the insider language used here. The StrategyWiki on Dom 3 is down, which I where I hoped to see a brief summary of all the lingo and abbreviations used. Is there another concise summary somewhere? Things like suggesting that your SC scales well to beat a WA 9 Bless Van... probably good advice, but not helpful to the new player.
* "Hi, I'm new! And.. uh.. help?" and "Tactics: Principles, Tips, Tricks, and Traps" - I looked at Alexander's stuff but can't tell what of it is for Dom 2 and what for 3.