... cavalry are fewer in numbers (because they cost more than infantry), and thus the enemy can usually swarm them.
It's not only that they cost more : normal cavalry units are size 3, versus size 2 for normal (human-sized) infantry.
A a cas can only contain up to a total of 6 point of size, it means that you can only have 2 cavalry per cases, versus 3 infantry. So even in equal numbers, infantry will have the advantage in number of units fighting.
Of course, heavy cavalry have one advantage : the hoof/bite attack of the mount means that 2 units of cavalry make in fact 4 attacks, versus the 3 attacks of a normal infantry.
But those secondary atacks usually don't do mch damage (10 damage for a heavy cavalry), and are most used to decimate light and medium infantry (a cavalry charge on a squad of archer is not a pretty thing to see - if the archers are yours -).