Mod: Golden Age of Magic (cheap drakes and more)
The Golden Age mod is mostly done, I am asking for comments, additions, requests, etc.
Golden Age V0.1
Cheaper Drakes: 4 gems
New Sites (all rare):
--mineral cave: recruit huge powerful ancient cave drake for 1000gold and 200resources
--windswept spire: ancient wyvern
--ice lake: ancient ice drake
--magma rift: ancient fire drake
--black cauldron: recruit cauldron born
--achillean spring: recruit achillean infantry
--arawn's leafy bower: recruit arawn's huntsman
--forge of wonders: recruit clockwork horrors
--stables of doom: recruit paladin
New Divine Spells:
--Heavenly Favor (luck)
--Wound Balm (healing light)
--Uh-Nu-Buh, Fire/Death