3.1 #dom2title <text> The title of the map.
3.2 #imagefile <filename> The image file of the map
4.1 #scenario This command tags the map as a scenario
4.2 #description "<text>" The description of the map
4.3 #neighbour <province nbr> <provincenbr> Makes it possible to move
4.4 #nostart <province nbr> Tags a province as unstartable.
4.5 #terrain <province nbr> <terraintype> Sets the terrain of a province.
5.1 #maptextcol <red> <green> <blue><alpha>
5.2 #allowedplayer <nation nbr> Makes this nation one of the allowed
5.3 #landplayers <> no affect in Dom3
5.4 #seaplayers <> no affect in Dom3
5.5 #features <0-100> Sets the magic site frequency.
5.6 #start <province nbr> By creating at least one start location for each
5.7 #specstart <nation nbr> <provincenbr> specific nation to a specific start
5.8 #nohomelandnames home lands no longer named for nations
5.9 #computerplayer <nation nbr> <difficulty>
5.10 #cannotwin <nation nbr> This nation will not granted the win
5.11 #victorycondition <condition nbr><attribute>
5.12 #victorypoints <province nbr> <1-7> number of VP this province is worth
5.13 #god <nation nbr> "<commandertype>" pre-select the god of this nation
5.14 #scale_chaos <nation nbr> <(-3)-3> Forces the dominion scale
5.15 #dominionstr <nation nbr> <1-10> dominion strength of a nation
5.16 #landname <province nbr>"<name>" sets name of a specific province.
5.17 #nonamefilter disable Map filter that displays province names
5.18 #allies <player> <player> specific AI will not attack AI
5.19 #startspell <player> "spell name" nation with spell preresearched.
6.1 #land <province nbr> kill off province and allow settings
6.2 #setland <province nbr> do not kill province but do allow settings
6.3 #commander "<commander type>" place commander and allow settings
6.4 #comname "<name>" overwrites the active commander's random name
6.5 #bodyguards <nbr of guards>"<type>" Gives bodyguards to commander.
6.6 #units <nbr of units> "<type>" squad of soldiers to commander.
6.7 #clearmagic Removes all magic skills from the active commander.
6.8 #xp <0-900> Gives experience points to the active commander.
6.9 #mag_astral <level> Gives magic ability to the active commander.
6.10 #randomequip <0-4> Gives random magic items to commander.
6.11 #additem "<item name>" Gives a magic item to active commander.
6.11 #additem "<item name>" give specific item to commander
6.12 #killfeatures Removes all magic sites from the active commander.
6.13 #feature "<site name>" Puts a magic site in the active province.
6.14 #knownfeature "<site name>" a found magic site in province.
6.15 #fort "<fort type>" Puts a fort in the active province.
6.16 #temple Puts a temple in the active province.
6.17 #lab Puts a laboratory in the active province.
6.18 #owner <nation nbr> Changes the ownership of the active province.
6.19 #unrest <0-500> Sets the unrest level of the active province.
6.20 #population <0-50000> population number of the active province.
6.21 #poptype <poptype nbr> Sets the population type of the active nation.
6.22 #defence <0-125> Sets the province defence of the active nation.