10 most dangerous MP players in Dom3:Just for fun.
Hi everyone,
Just for a bit of fun, I thought I would compile a list of, in my view the 10 most dangerous players currently playing in my Dom3 MP games.
If enough players give me there top 10 or top 1, 3 whatever, I will update this every month or so with a league table of the top ten most dangerous MP in Dom3. Scoring will be kept very simple...10 pts for someone who you nominate as your no.1 danger...9pts no.2 etc...
My top 10 are:-
1) Jurri.
2) Frank Trollman.
3) Corwin.
4) Twan.
5) Tersawaerto.
6) Solo.
7) Folket.
8) Dr. Praetorius.
9) Baalz.
10) Tibbs.
This is based on the 10 MP's I have played in so far and my personal experiences in those games. I will update if it changes.
Please post your most dangerous MP lists.
Please note DOM3 ONLY, what you did in Dom2 or earlier no longer counts. Thus no quantum_mechani, as yet...
You cannot name yourself. Other players after nominate you. I am hoping to have a list of 10 players who you really, really do not want to start next too in MP games. It's of course kind of a top 10 best players as well...