the Gold Lion (running)
This game is now full.
I am starting a PBEM EA game for newish players. I myself have played/am playing 3 MP games. Turns will run about 1 per day. Map will be random, nations will be assigned randomly, too. The game will be 15 players.
Renaming will be allowed, graphs will be turned off. All other options standard. Game version 3.04
If you would like to sign up, send me a private message via this forum. In the message please include your email address so I can send you the files one we get going.
Players so far (with factions)
admiralzhao = Lanka
cooron = Oceania
dragonlord = Marveni
ferrosol = Pangaea
izzyz = Agartha
johnarryn = Ermor
llamabeast = Kailasa
micah = Atlantis
nix = T'ien Ch'i
ramiro = Arcoscephale
seej = R'lyeh
terrel = Abysia
valandil = Yomi