I've just realised that Fire Resistance doesn't work against Phoenix Pyre dammage.
(11 mages lost to learn that)
Unbelievable when you look at the stats, the Machakan Empire is not far to be defeated, the Golden Age has ended, there are riots in the streets in half our cities, there are so many revolters that ennemy spies can't be found even by our professionnal patrolers, even without taxes unrest continue to increase. We have to pillage former Arco's provinces or change our fire gems to have some money to spend, and with his new tactic, to use only trolls and other tough units and cast several earthquakes in each battle, Man may kill all the mages we engage, and can't replace, with minimal losses.
Anyway Machaka will fight till the end, and we'll take at least Hadrian II with us in the grave.