Wulfir -next battle
There is a short readme in the zip file. The russians should be both dug in - on the southern portion of the map protecting the bridge - and counter attacking to one degree or another.
My forces are about 5000pts worth; panzer Co., 2xPGdr (mot)company, Recon Co., and attachments.
Russians could be anywhere between 4000 to 7000 points. I like surprises, as long as they are plausible.
Note that the Germans will only set up in the top-left corner of the map, and will have a slow time moving accross the single railroad bridge. I have german held VH's each side, which means the Russian AI may well bombard it from time to time. All of this was planned. The russians should be prepared to defend the southern bridge, ie; dug in to one degree or another.