At last the second beta from my online map editor is available ( )
The first beta was all about getting infos from existing map, with few changes possibles at the province level.
The second beta will be about changing stuff, with currently working :
- edit province name
- add or remove the "killpop" flag
- select province population type
- add or remove the "killfeatures" flag
- add or remove features (magic sites), with a list of all existing features available
- remove commander
It is not yet possible on the released beta to edit or add commanders, but I hope to have those features, or at least part of them, availabe for the next update.
And of course the features already implemented in the first beta are still there :
- change neighbours by mouse click
- edit province terrain_types (including the "hidden" terrain types not shown by the official map editor)
- list existing commanders and units (but you can't change them yet)
- edit map description and some other general infos.
As it's the last big beta before release, I would really appreciate any help, so if you see a bug, have a suggestion to make, or just want to tell how this will be useful for you ( hey, morale needs support too !
), just answer to this thread.