Would it be possible to edit the following AI parameters?
I know it is probably too late for the gold edition but may be for a future patch:
- Until now the AI claims one adjacent system to his colonized sytems. If you could edit this for the more aggressive races to two or even three, the AI would not be stopped so easily by empty systems as it is now.
- Colonization minister: If you could specify the maximum distance the colony ships are sent for, you could avoid useless orders to colonize a planet on the other side of the galaxy.
- Even better would be a editable priority list (as for targeting) which planets should be colonized: nearest, largest, breathable atmosphere, value, condition.
- Possibility to let colony ships be refueled on their way to their target, if there is a possibility.
- Specify if a colony ship should be escorted by war ships and if so the number of the ships in this protecting fleet.
Just some ideas.