Random thoughts:
I often find it funny how some scientists deride religion because it fails to meet scientific standards but will stand firm on accepted
theories that truly can not be proven right or wrong. Hmmm, sounds like
faith to me.
If the Big Bang Theory is correct then everything in the universe was created in that instant, albeit in different forms of energy and matter. Therefor, infinite energy is an impossibility because we live in a finite universe. However, if you throw in the infinite universes theory you could get infinite energy by tapping into other universes. Last I heard scientists think that they could accomplish this, but would need an infinite energy source to do so.
How much is our understanding of physics colored by our own perception? Our perception of "now" is an infinitely small slice of time and by the time our brain receives sensory input the data is already old because travel time for that signal is not instant. Looked at from this point of view we are actually out of step with our environment because we can only perceive the past.