calmon said:
Gems are very important in late game. Nevertheless normally you can't 'swim enough' in gold. A nation with very good non-capital mages and lots of castles build 20-30 national mages a turn in late game.
Growth is clearly an middle/late game invest but there also possibilies to improve your early game too.
However what i mean to say is that death 3 is good but its not a no-brainer.
The nearly no-brainer for me is sloth 3
I would always go for sloth 3 before death 3 with most of the nations (even the resource haevy nations, just build a good combat pretender here).
I don't mind sloth 3 as much as death 3. Any nation can get away with sloth 3 as you said. This for me is "balanced" since basically all players start with the same situation. Death 3 I mind because it hampers old age nations way more than non old age nations. I guess a better way to put this would be, I dislike the scale because some nations don't have the "choice" to take it while others do. This to me is the imbalance.