Nightblade said:
About that independant armies, i know that priest is a must have to prevent Ermor just rolling over my armies, but for the cannon fodders, should i give priority to heavy infantry or to archers when getting them from newly conquered provinces (as ressources are usually not very high in newly conquered provinces).
Should lots of native infantry with few archers more effective against an average Ermor horde, or lots of native archers with few infantry should be prefered ?
In fact my question can be sum up as : are the archer usefull against undeads as they can be when i face a different nation with "living" armies ?
Not just "priest" but "priests". As in: Lots of priests. Buy one in every province until you have a whole mob of the buggers....
Regular archers do well against Ermor
as long as they have a meatshield to hold back the ravening hordes of zombies. Most undead are low Prot, so regular indy archers should be fine. Longbows are better, of course. Crossbows are unnecessary; the ROF matters a lot more than the AP damage.