Find AI strategic move scripts very annoying?
Im still in my 3nd game for dom 3 so im pretty new but something that is annoying the crap out of me is how the AI picks to move its armies. It seems nearly _impossible_ to have a decisive battle with the AI.
As far as I can tell if I have a 200 unit army and it has a large army too it will always pick to move on provinces that are lightly defended right around my 200 unit army, even if it can probably win with a larger force!
I find myself having to chase the computer AIs armies as they break through the front lines as they wont engage any sizable forces.
Any tips on how to engage the computer AI to help prevent this? What type of setup do you guys use for defending your borders against the AI?
Seperating my major army doesnt seem to be strategically smart as the computer will just take his main force and beat mine 1 by 1.
So far this has really reduced my enjoyment of the game to the point I dont even want to play sometimes... I could have a large army and go straight for his forts and it seems all the AI calculates is wherever the weakest immediately adjacent province is at is where it will move regardless of what else is happening to his empire...