CD-Key/Master Password Issue
So I'm hosting a large game in which I'm playing. I have a player who just disappears. I log in using the master password and change him to AI. Well next turn, he isn't AI. I login and see he received a CD-key violation where the same CD-key was used to submit turns on a simple MP game - so none of his orders (ala go to AI) were processed. I then gave a little prayer of thanks that it staled him instead of me and disconnect quickly.
Now I can get around this in a number of ways...
#1) I can just download a haxxored serial number and put it on another install to do his turn. or
#2) Since I was paranoid enough to require him provide me his password before the game started I can simply ask a third party to turn him to AI for me (I'm not giving out the Master Password).
However it seem rather silly to create a master password and then be unable to use it. Most MP Games are hosted by a player that participates... The fix would be to not check for CD-Key violations if you use the master password.
So hosters/players be warned!