Re: Vote: Who is still playing SEV ?
When buying a new computer just buy whatever's cheap from an OEM with the processor you want (assuming you want Vista on it buying off an OEM is going to be the cheapest way to get the OS). Then upgrade the memory and grafix card. A thousand bucks should get you something with dual core, 2GB ram and an 8800 grafix card. The MB will be rubbish but you're not going to be trying to overclock it anyway if you're doing this on the cheap. It's the machine with everything tricked out to give you 10% more performance that's going to cost two grand.
Anyway, SEV... I haven't played properly for weeks but I usually try a game when IRM or BM gets updated. Still finding no challenge from the AI though so it's quite dull.
Since the demo was released I've railed against the UI so it's gratifying to see Atrocities admit I was right after all. Though TBH I'm fine with the UI now except for the clumsy filters. Which isn't to say I wouldn't still like to see a proper 2D system view and the option to have a square view to maximise the screen - yeah, just like in SEIV.