The difference between W9 bless and F9 bless on your Windriders is really a tough choice. With quickness you are getting 3 attacks every two turns. So that is a big bonus to your offense. The W9 defense bonus is really significant, too, because those Windriders are not so tough and they do like to die.
With F9 you are getting +4 attack and your lance, which already gets a huge boost to its first strike, become a flaming lance which does +6 extra damage. Not bad! That's going to do major damage on a first strike, possibly light them on fire, and continue to do +6 flaming magical weapon damage with a +4 Attack each round thereafter.
One thing you are neglecting is that lance damage is based on the unit's AP. Quickness gives a bonus to a unit's AP, which translates into a huge first strike advantage for the Wind Rider. W9 bless on lance troops is huge.