I have quickly fallen in love with this game. It has inspired me to add my own ideas to an already abysmally deep game. I have a good amount of experience in modding and I am quite the artist in the 3 dimensional world of graphics. I need some practice making sprites using only pixels, but all my work will be original. My plan for right now is to put out a series of races, starting in EA and progressing through LA.
The basic storyline that I am considering is that of the Aria Nation. With heavy Norse influence, they begin as the children of the fallen Valhalla. As time progresses they get more twisted, ergo Ermor, but not progressing into death magic, but rather blood. Also I will be adding many spells to all Ages, especially LA. I plan to make them progress somewhat bass-ackwards. With heavier infantry in EA, progressing into a more magic dependent LA.
As my experience with TBS in general, especially one this complicated, is very limited, I will be in need of much help in the balancing department. So any and all input will be very much appreciated.
Thanks all in advance,