Newbie Thought: Anointing The Rhuax
After having a look to Edi's and Sunray's units dB (nice work, BTW) I realized that the Anointed Of Rhuax, an expensive Abysian battlemage, has a very good offensive melee potential: Attack value of 16, rF(100), sur(w), h(+13), FSh(10), dk(50). On top of that he's a sacred level 3 priest, so a F9 bless will be a nice addition to wreak havoc with an attack rating of 20(!!) plus Flaming Weapons
Unfortunately, this little guy has a very low protection and defense values (1 and 11 respectively), extra help is needed to make him last longer in melee.
Apart from equipping him accordingly (Fire Plate and the like) for extra protection, he's a good fire mage and he can cast Phoenix Pyre (Alt 7) to obtain limited, and fatigue-dependant, immortality. I think he'll need some reinvigoration to make this kind of immortality useful. Abysia only gets Fire gems and has very limited access to Earth/Astral at the very beginning so it'll be difficult to forge any nature and/or earth based item... Any ideas to make this strategy work? Or it won't work anyway?
I have another question regarding Abysia National spells; Inner Furnace and Summon Scorpion Man look quite good, but are they worthy?
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