Newbie Question: Joining The Living And The Dead
In a previous SP game, I was playing EA Ulm with a rainbow Master Druid with plenty of nature and death for using him as a devoted summoner to bring extra support to the Steel and Warrior Maidens.
After a bit of research I created a small army of Vine Ogres with the help of an Ivy Crown + Druid's bonuses. When I hit Conjuration 5 I summoned a couple of Bane Lords, very nice commanders indeed, but I had no undead armies to command...
How can I create an effective undead army to join those nice undead commanders?
Having a single summoner, It'll take so many turns casting Summon Shades or Revive Wight to bring forth a mid-sized army.
Legion of Wights won't be available until late stages of the game, and Spirit Mastery brings a useful but rather weak horde.
I read something about Carrion Reanimation before, but it is corpse dependant and I'd like to keep my population alive paying their taxes and bringing resources...
I'd be very pleased if any Necromancer out there could give a lesson or two to this puny apprentice...
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